What level?

Although we initially ask you to estimate your English level, all participants will be required to do a level test to help us place you in the correct class.

1st stage (pre-intermediate A2-B1)

  • I can understand and use very simple sentences when doing every day things, for example, shopping.
  • I can say very simple things about myself, for example, my name, my job and my family giving some detail.
  • I can communicate but may need time to think of the sentence and may need to ask the other person to repeat themselves or say it more simply.

2nd stage (intermediate B1)

  • I can understand the general meaning of written information that is written in plain English and is about a topic I know, even if I cannot understand all the words or details.
  • I can deal with most situations that may happen when travelling in areas where English is spoken. It may not be 100% accurate and I may not understand all the details, but I can with some effort, communicate my needs.
  • I can talk or write about myself and my interests in simple but connected sentences. I may need to look for the words and may need help making the sentence accurate, but mostly, I will be understood.
  • I can describe simple past experiences and events and my ambitions and give simple opinions.

3rd stage (upper intermediate B2)

  • I can understand the main meaning of a more complex text, on both concrete and abstract topics.
  • I can interact with a level of fluency and spontaneity that makes talking with native speakers possible without great problems for either party. I will sometimes struggle with a certain phrase or grammar point but it won’t stop understanding.
  • I can understand English speakers if they speak a little slower and grade their English a little bit
  • I can talk/write about past experiences and events giving more details and explain my opinions and viewpoints, giving advantages and disadvantages.

4th stage (pre-advanced B2-C1)

  • I can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and normally recognize implicit meaning.
  • I can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without too much obvious searching for expressions.
  • I can use the language flexibly and effectively for both social and professional purposes.
  • I can produce well structured and clear texts on more complex subjects. I can communicate fluently and mainly accurately without strain on either myself or the other person.
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